Login help

There are various reasons you may not be able to login. Here we will cover the top few reasons and if you still need help, you can contact us at the bottom of the page.

Error: The password you entered for the email address _____ is incorrect.

This error means that you have the right email address or username, but the password you entered isn't the correct password for the account. In this case, you may try another password, but generally speaking it's best at this point to reset the password.

CLICK HERE to go the password reset form where you will be able to input the same email address you were just using to get an email and reset the password. Your best option is likely to set the new password to what you thought it was.


Unknown email address. Check again or try your username.

This error comes up when the username or email address you input doesn't match any usernames or emails in our system. Generally, this is because you are either part of TrainingHub and you've landed on the wrong login form, or because of a typo in the username or email address. Double check the username or email is typed correctly, including checking for spaces before and after. If that didn't fix it, read the last option to see if you may have ended up on the wrong login page.


Error: An account is already registered with your email address.

This error will show on the checkout page if you have an account but have not logged in during the checkout process. You should be able to find "RETURNING CUSTOMER? CLICK HERE TO LOGIN" at the top of the checkout form or click the link in the error message to login.


Wrong Login page

After trying the above fixes, it may be that you are on the wrong login page. We have two login pages. One for those that purchase courses individually and the other for TrainingHub. 

Whether you paid for it or your utility paid for it, if you're buying the courses, you should be on the Individual login page.

The other login page is for the utilities that have signed up for TrainingHub. TrainingHub is a contract we would have with your utility. You would not be purchasing the courses individually, but an admin at your utility would assign your courses or could allow for you to self-enroll.

Click Here to go to the TrainingHub login page.

If you're not sure which option you fit under, please contact us and we'll direct you to the correct page.


If you're still having trouble you can contact us to get additional help logging in.