How to complete a course

We're often asked what is required to complete a course. Here we'll answer that question.

Complete all course content

In short, you will have to complete all course content for the course to be completed and award you a certificate, but how to complete each section varies slightly. Not all courses have every section so we'll start with the most common sections of a course and then work through to the lesser sections. Don't worry if your course doesn't have all of these sections.


For some content, like our PDF handouts, you are required to view it. When you open the PDF handout it should mark as completed. We advise you print these out to take notes and reference as you watch the lecture.


The lectures require you watch the video all the way through to the end. Some of them have the completion built in so when you reach the end of the video it will check that section off as completed, but others have a timer on the page.

Lecture Timer

Most of our lectures are setup to save your progress in the browser. That means if you change browsers or change computers, you will be put back at the beginning of the lecture.

If the lecture has a timer counting down on the page underneath the video, you will have to stay on the page until the timer reaches 0 to get credit for the video. The timer does not save your time if you leave the page.

Either way, when the video is marked as completed, you will see a green COMPLETED. LET'S CONTINUE button (shown below).

Completed Lets continue

Once you see this, you can move to a new computer and it still show as completed.


Every quiz must be passed. A passing score is 70% or higher. Most of the quizzes allow you to attempt the quiz as many times as you need to pass, but keep in mind, most quizzes pull questions from a question bank so the quiz may be a new set of questions. Your best option is to be sure you understand the material in the lecture and handout (and flashcards) before taking the quiz to be sure you can answer any question you're asked.


Flashcards will not be in every lesson or in every course, but if they are in your course, you will have to view them. These are similar to the handouts where they should mark as completed upon viewing them. These are not graded, so use them for your review and memorization.

Study Helps

In our Exam Preparation courses, we have some additional study helps which present the lesson information in several other formats.


The visuals included in the Study Helps area will also mark as completed as you view them. They are not timed or graded, but they should help you to see the information and remember what you've learned.

There is also a visual quiz in some sections which is graded but does not count toward your final score in the course. You will need to pass this to get your certificate of completion.

Section Summaries

The section summaries are a series of statements. One will be correct and the other options will be incorrect. You should be able to identify the correct statements at this point and work through the series selecting the correct statements. At the end of the section, you will have a series of statements you can read through which are all correct.

These bridge a gap between graded and ungraded content. These sections should mark as completed as you open them. You will also see your grade as you work through them. Showing how correct and incorrect answer choices you've made.

Key Words and Concepts

This is a drag and drop section where you will match a word with its definition. You are required to pass this section as well, but your score on this does not count toward your final score in the course.

Final Exams/Practice Tests

Depending on your course you may have a final exam or practice tests at the end of the course. Those are also required to get your certificate of completion. Passing score on these are also 70% and you may take them multiple times if needed.

Passing the Final Exam or Practice Tests while leaving other content unfinished does not count as finishing the course. You will have to go back and finish the other material even if you've passed the final exam or practice tests.



The best way to make sure you complete the entire course is to start at the beginning and work your way straight through without skipping or jumping around.

If you believe you have finished the course you can checkout our post titled "I completed my course but I don't have a certificate" for some tips.